Whiskey's Photo Album
Whiskey was a part of a wedding. He is a pretty handsome best man. |
STA Heza Whiskey Asset is being judged at an APRI conformation show. |
Some of Whiskey's winnings from the ASDR Fall Cowboy Classic show. |
Whiskey's winning from the Hoosier Round up in Illinois where he took Best in Show honors.
Whiskey showing off his herding skills in an ASDR show in Utah.
Whiskey on a Rally course at an ASDR show. |
Whiskey jumping in agility. As you can tell it was a really hot day but he was a trooper and did what was asked of him. |
Whiskey showing his great running contacts in agility. |
Whiskey waiting on the pause table in agility. His least favorite part of agility but he is trained to sit and wait.
Perfect movement can only happen with excellent conformation and balance.
Whiskey has such a great temperament he puts up with a lot. Here is getting ready to go to the duck blind. |
Whiskey loves being with his people so even goes fishing.
Whiskey at around 4 months old. |

Whiskey was full of personality even at 5 weeks old.
Whiskey was such a cutie pie as a puppy. He is 4 weeks old in this picture. |
Whiskey shown at 19 days old. |
Whiskey's titles and testing
